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Night Watchman

Night Watchman is a horror game with jump shocks in which the player stands guard in the dark. Similar to Hide-and-Seek, but with frightening characters and dangerous toys that resemble FnAF characters. Cover your eyes and wait to attack, but do so quickly!

Surviving the Night Guard

You are alone in the dark with nothing but a weapon and a penchant for shielding your eyes in perilous situations. You do it for the excitement. You are the Night Watchman, a legendary nocturnal figure. Your duty is to protect the area from hell dimension spirits and creepy dolls.

Strike at the proper time

Cover your eyes and await the arrival of the terrifying figures. When you believe the time is correct, use your weapon to kill them. If you delay too long, they will get to you first, and then there is no turning back.

Choose the ideal instrument

At the conclusion of each terrifying round, you'll have a variety of weapons at your disposal to combat the creepy adversaries that are out to get you. Use a flamethrower and grill them to a crisp, or eliminate them with an electric discharge. Just ensure that you score first, or the game is over.

How to play

Using mouse

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